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Madison Metropolitan School District

After School Care (YMCA West)

YMCA Child Care - West

Cacia Tipple at 608-276-6606 x 8811

What does the YMCA’s child care program offer?

The YMCA offers child care with a strong curriculum based on the YMCA four core values: Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility.

​With so many demands on today's families and the increased focus on early childhood development, families need all the support they can get to nurture the potential of youth.  They support children by providing a safe and healthy place to learn foundational skills, develop healthy, trusting relationships and build self-reliance through the Y values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.

The Y believes the values and skills learned early on are vital building blocks for quality of life and future success. That's why our child care programs are staffed with people who understand the cognitive, physical and social development of kids, the need that children have to feel connected and supported in trying new things, and the caring and reinforcement parents and families need to help each other.

Easy & Convenient!

Are you a busy parent? Nothing can be easier than before and after school care right at your child’s school. 

Recreational and educational activities!

These programs offer a combination of child initiated and teacher-led activities. Expanded curriculum includes healthy living, arts & humanity, science, service learning, homework support, math, literacy, character development & conflict resolution.  After School starts when school releases and ends at 6:00pm. This includes scheduled early release days.

Schools Out

Schools Out gives children a safe and exciting environment when school is scheduled to be out for a day. Children have opportunities to engage in enrichment activities including arts and crafts, creative dramatics, literacy, math, science projects, and many cooperative, active, healthy living games. Children need to bring: a sack lunch, active footwear, clothing for both indoor and outdoor activities, and lots of energy. We provide the rest, including healthy morning and afternoon snack.


  • Huegel Elementary
  • Olson Elementary


Registration for this program is for children ages 5-12 years old. For more information view the YMCA West registration website.

Scholarships and Financial Aid Information

Please check out this link for more information on financial assistance.